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Articles parus dans des revues à comité de lecture
- Dawson, J., Cook, A., Holloway, J., Copland, L. Analysis of Changing Levels of Ice Strengthening (Ice Class) among Vessels Operating in the Canadian Arctic over the Past 30 Years. Arctic. 2022, In Press issue.
- van Luijk, N., Carter, N,. A., Dawson, J., Parker, C., Grey, K., Provencher, J., & Cook, A. (2022). Community-identified risks to hunting, fishing, and gathering (harvesting) activities from increased marine shipping activity in Inuit Nunangat, Canada. Regional Environmental Change.
- van Luijk N, Carter NA, Dawson J, Song G, Parker C, et al. (2021) At the front lines of increased shipping and climate change: Inuit perspectives on Canadian Arctic sovereignty and security. Arctic Yearbook 2021.
- Weber, M., Dawson, J., Stewart, E., Orawiec, A. (2021). An in-depth analysis of planned cruise ship itineraries and voyages in the Canadian Arctic. Tourism in Marine Environments, 16(3):133-152.
- Simonee, N., Alooloo, J., Carter, N.A., Ljubicic, G., and Dawson, J. (2021). Sila qanuippa? (how’s the weather?): Integrating Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit and environmental forecasting products to support travel safety around Pond Inlet, Nunavut in a changing climate. Weather, Climate, and Society.
- Kochanowicz, Z., Dawson, J., Halliday, W.D., Sawada, M., Copland, L., Carter, N.A., Nicoll, A., Ferguson, S.H., Heide-Jørgensen, M.P., Marcoux, M., Watt, C., and Yurkowski, D.J. (2021). Using western science and Inuit Knowledge to model ship-source noise exposure for marine cetaceans in Tallurutiup Imanga National Marine Conservation Area, Nunavut, Canada. Marine Policy. 130:1-18.
- D’Souza, J., Dawson, J., and Groulx, M. (2021). Last chance tourism: a decade review of a case study on Churchill, Manitoba’s polar bear viewing industry. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. DOI: 10.1080/09669582.2021.1910828.
- Dawson, J., Holloway, J., Debortoli, N., and Gilmore, E. (2020). Treatment of global economic trade by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) (2012-2019). Current Climate Change Reports.
- Dawson, J., Carter, N. A., van Luijk, N., Weber, M., & Cook, A. (2020). Arctic corridors and northern voices project: Methods for community-based participatory mapping for low impact shipping corridors in Arctic Canada. MethodsX, 7,
- van Luijk, N., Dawson, J., and Cook, A. (2020). Analysis of Heavy Fuel Oil Use by Ships Operating in Canadian Arctic Waters from 2010 to 2018. Facets.
- Zhao, J., Azad, B.B., Bertrand, E.M., Burton, C., Crooks, V.A., Dawson, J., Ford, A.T., Kaida, A., Krishnaswamy, A., Kuok, C., Mah, C.L., McTaggart, M., Moehring, A.J., Robert, R., Schulte-Hostedde, A., Sparling, H., De Vera, M.A., Waterman, S., and Patel, T.R. (2020). Canadian Science Meets Parliament: building relationships between scientists and policymakers. Science and Public Policy, 47(2),
- Dawson, J., Carter, N., van Luijk N., Parker, C., Weber, M., Greydanus, K., and Provencher, J. (2020). Infusing local knowledge and community perspectives into the Low Impact Shipping Corridors: an adaptation to increased shipping activity and climate change in Arctic Canada. Environmental Science and Policy. 105, 19-36
- Haavisto, R., Lamers, M., Carrasco, J., Dawson, J., Liggett, D., Ljubicic, G., Stewart, E.J., and Thoman R. (2020). Mapping weather, water, ice and climate (WWIC) information providers in Polar Regions: Who are they and who do they serve? Polar Geography. DOI: 10.1080/1088937X.2019.1707320
- Stewart, E.J., Liggett, D., Thoman, R., Ljubicic, G., Dawson, J., Carasco, J., Lamers, M., and Haavisto, R. (2019). Characterizing polar mobilities to understand the role of weather, water, ice and climate (WWIC) information. Polar Geography. DOI: 10.1080/1088937X.2019.1707319
- Carter, N.A., Dawson, J., Simonee, N., Tagalik, S., & Ljubicic, G. (2019). Lessons Learned through Research Partnership and Capacity Enhancement in Inuit Nunangat. Arctic, 72 (4). 381-403.
- Groulx, M., Boluk, K., Lemieux, C. & Dawson, J. (2019). Place stewardship among last chance tourists. Annals of Tourism Research, 75, 202-212.
- Tetu, P.L., Lasserre, F., Pelletier, S., & Dawson, J. (2019). ‘Sovereignty’ over submerged cultural heritage in the Canadian Arctic waters: case study from the Franklin expedition wrecks (1845-48). Polar Geography.
- Olsen, J., Carter, N.A., and Dawson, J. (2019). Community perspectives on the environmental impacts of Arctic shipping: Case studies from Russia, Norway and Canada. Cogent Social Sciences. 5(1):1-20.
- Weber, M., Groulx, M., Lemieux, C.J., Scott, D., & Dawson, J. (2019). Balancing the dual mandate of conservation and visitor use at a Canadian world heritage site in an era of rapid climate change. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 1-20.
- Olsen, J., Carter, N.A., & Dawson, J. (2019). Community perspectives on the environmental impacts of Arctic shipping: Case studies from Russia, Norway and Canada. Cogent Social Sciences, 5 (1). 1-20.
- Ford., J.D., Clark, D., Pearce, T., Berrang-Ford, L., Copland, L., Dawson, J., New, M., & Harper, S.L. (2019). Changing access to ice, land and water in Arctic communities. Nature Climate Change, 9. 335 319.
- Cook, A.J., Copland, L. Noël, B.P.Y., Stokes, C.R., Bentley, M.J., Sharp, M.J., Bingham, R.B., & van den Broeke, M.R. (2019). Atmospheric forcing of rapid marine-terminating glacier retreat in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. Science Advances, 5. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aau8507
- Dawson, J.,Pizzolato,L.,Howell, S.E.L., Copland, L., & Johnston,M.E. (2018). Temporal and Spatial Patterns of Ship Traffic in the Canadian Arctic from 1990 to 2015. Arctic, 71. 15-26.
- Lemieux, C.J., Groulx, M., Halpenny, E., Stager, H., Dawson, J., Stewart, E.J. & Hvenegaad, G.T. (2017). “The end of the ice age?”: Visitor motivations to experience disappearing world heritage and the climate change communication imperative. Environmental Communication, 12. 653-671.
- Stewart, E.J., Liggett, D., & Dawson, J. (2017). The evolution of polar tourism scholarship: research themes, networks and agendas. Polar Geography, 40. 59.84.
- Johnston, M.E., Dawson, J., & Maher, P.T. (2017). Strategic development challenges in marine tourism in Nunavut. resources, 6.
- Bystrowska, M., & Dawson, J. (2017). Making places: The role of Arctic cruise operators in ‘creating’ tourism destinations. Polar Geography, 40, 208-226.
- Johnston, M.E. Carlson, J., & Dawson, J. (2017). Communities and new development paths in the sparsely populated north. Journal of Rural and Community Development, 12.
- Porta, L., Abou-Abussi, Dawson, J., & Mussells, O. (2017). Shipping corridors as a framework for advancing marine law and policy in the Canadian Arctic. Oceans and Coastal Law Journal, 22. 61-84
- Mussells, O., Dawson, J., & Howell, S.E. (2017). Navigating pressured ice: Risks and hazards for winter resource-based shipping in the Canadian Arctic. Oceans and Coastal Law Journal, 137. 57-67.
- Song, G. (2016). Lessons from Dumpcano: Governance issues in solid waste management in Nunavut. Arctic Yearbook. 249-270.
- Thoman, R., Dawson, J., Liggett, D., Lamers, M., Stewart, E., Ljubicic, G., Knol, M., & Hoke, W. ( 2016). Second Polar Prediction Project (PPP), Societal and Economic Research and Applications (SERA) Meeting focused on end user use of weather and climate information. BAMS. doi: 10.1175/BAMS-D-16-0195.1
- Mussells, O., Howell, S.E., & Dawson, J. (2016). Using RADARSAT to identify sea ice ridges and their implications for shipping in the Hudson Strait. Arctic 69 (4). DOI: 10.14430/arctic4604
- Jaja, J., Dawson, J., & Gaudet, J. (2016). Using Social Network Analysis to examine the role of institutional integration for enhancing adaptive capacity to climate change in Caribbean small island communities, Local Environment 22 (4).
- Johnston, M., Dawson, J., De Souza, E., & Stewart, E.J. (2016). Managing the fastest growing marine shipping sector in Arctic Canada: Pleasure craft vessels, Polar Record 53 (1).
- Stewart, E.J., Wilson, J., Espiner, S., Purdie, H., Lemieux, C.J. & Dawson, J. (2016). Implications of climate change for glacier tourism. Tourism Geographies 18.
- Stewart, E.J., Dawson, J., & Johnston, M.E. (in press, 2016). Growth and challenges in cruise tourism in Arctic Canada, Northern Public Affairs.
- Jung, T., Gordon, N.D., Bauer, P., Bromwich, D.H., Chevallier, M., Day, J., Dawson, J., Doblas-Reyes, F., Fairall, C., Goessling, H., Holland, M., Inoue, J., Iversen, T., Klebe, S., Lemke, P., Losch, M., Makshtas, A., Mills, B., Nurmi, P., Perovich, D., Reid, P., Renfrew, I., Smith, G., Svensson, G., Tolstykh, M., & Yang, Q. (in press, 2016) Advancing polar prediction capabilities on daily to seasonal time scales, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society.
- Dawson, J. Stewart, E.J., Johnston, M.E., & Lemiux, C. (in press, 2016). Identifying and evaluating adaptation strategies for cruise tourism in Arctic Canada. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 24, DOI: 10.1080/09669582.2015.1125358.
- Groulx, M.G., Lemieux, C.J., & Dawson, J. (2016). Motivations to engage in last chance tourism in the Churchill Wildlife Management Area and Wapusk National Park: The role of place identity and nature relatedness. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, DOI: 10.1080/09669582.2015.1134556.
- de la Barre, S., Maher, P.T., Dawson, J., Hillmer, K., Huijbens, E.H., Lamers, M., Liggett, D., Muller, D., Pashkevich, A., & Stewart, E.J. (2016). Tourism and Arctic observation systems: Exploring the relationship. Polar Research, 35, 24980.
- Ritsema, R., Dawson, J., Jorgenson, M., & Mcdougall, B. (2015) “Steering our own ship?”: An assessment of self-determination and self-governance for community development in Nunavut. The Northern Review, 41, 157-180.
- Stewart, E.J., Dawson, J., & Johnston, M.E. (2015). Risks and opportunities associated with change in the cruise tourism sector: Community perspectives from Arctic Canada. Polar Journal, 5(2), 403-427.
- Pashkevich, A., Dawson, J., & Stewart, E.J. (2015). Governance of expedition cruise ship tourism in the Arctic: A comparison of the Canadian and Russian Arctic. Tourism in Marine Environments, 10(3/4), 225-240.
- Howell, S. E.L., Derksen, C., Pizzolato, L. and Brady, M. (2015), Multiyear ice replenishment in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago: 1997–2013. J. Geophys. Res. Oceans. Accepted Author Manuscript. doi:10.1002/2015JC010696.
- Hall, M.C., Amelung, B., Cohen, S., Eijgelaar, E., Gossling, S., Higham, J., Leemans, R., Peeters, P., Ram, Y., Scott, D., Aall, C., Abegg, B., Arana, J.E., Barr, S., Becken, S., Buckley, R., Burns, P., Dawson, J., Doran, R., Dubois, G., Duval, D.T., Fennell, D., Gill, A.M., Gren, M., Gronau, W., Guiver, J., Hopkins, D., Huijbens, E.H., Koens, K., Lamers, M., Lemieux, C., Lew, A., Long, P., Melissen, F., Nawijn, J., Nicholls, S., Nilsson, J., Nunkoo, R., Pomering, A., Reis, A., Reiser, D., Richardson, R.B., Rogerson, C.M., Saarinen, J., Sæporsdottir, A.D., Steiger, R., Upham, P., van der Linden, S., Visser, G., Wall, G., & Weaver, D. (2015). Denying bogus skepticism in climate change and tourism research. Tourism Management, 47, 352-356.
- Hall, M.C., Amelung, B., Cohen, S., Dawson, J Eijgelaar, E., Gossling, S., Higham, J., Leemans, R., Peeters, P., Ram, Y., Scott, D., Aall, C., Abegg, B., Arana, J.E., Barr, S., Becken, S., Buckley, R., Burns, P., Dawson, J., Doran, R., Dubois, G., Duval, D.T., Fennell, D., Gill, A.M., Gren, M., Gronau, W., Guiver, J., Hopkins, D., Huijbens, E.H., Koens, K., Lamers, M., Lemieux, C., Lew, A., Long, P., Melissen, F., Nawijn, J., Nicholls, S., Nilsson, J., Nunkoo, R., Pomering, A., Reis, A., Reiser, D., Richardson, R.B., Rogerson, C.M., Saarinen, J., Sæporsdottir, A.D., Steiger, R., Upham, P., van der Linden, S., Visser, G., Wall, G., & Weaver, D. (2015). No time for smokescreen skepticism: a rejoinder to Shani and Arad. Tourism Management 47: 341-347.
- Groulx, M.G., Lewis, J.L., Lemieux, C.J., and Dawson, J. (2014) Place-based climate change adaptation: a critical case study of climate change messaging and collective action in Churchill, Manitoba. Landscape and Urban Planning 132: 136-147.
- Pizzolato, L., Howell, S. E. L., Derksen, C., Dawson, J., & Copland, L. (2014). Changing sea ice conditions and marine transportation activity in Canadian Arctic waters between 1990 and 2012. Climatic Change, 123(2): 161–173. doi:10.1007/s10584-013-1038-3.
- Sharp, R.L., Lemieux, C.J., Thompson, J.L., and Dawson, J., (2014). Improving parks and protected area management in an era of rapid climate change through integrated social science. Journal of Parks and Recreation Administration 32(4):1-18.
- Dawson, J., Johnston, M.E., Stewart, E.J. (2014). Governance of Arctic expedition cruise ships in a time of rapid environmental and economic change. Ocean & Coastal Management 89: 88-99. DOI: 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2013.12.005
- Johnston, M.E., Dawson, J., Childs, J. and Maher P.T., (2014) Exploring post-course outcomes of an undergraduate tourism field trip to the Antarctic Peninsula. Polar Record 50(2): 147-155. DOI:
- Dawson, J., Scott, D., and Havitz, M., (2013). Skier demand and adaptation to climate change in the US Northeast. Leisure/Loisir 37(2): 127-143. DOI: 10.1080/14927713.2013.805037
- Lemelin, R.H., and Dawson, J. (2013). Case Study of the Designation-Effect of Marine Protected Areas in Coastal Arctic and Sub-Arctic Communities in Canada. Canadian Geographer 58(2). DOI: 10.1111/j.1541-0064.2013.12059.x
- Lemieux, C.J., Thompson, J., Dawson, J., and Shuster, R. (2013). Natural resource manager perceptions of agency performance on climate change. Journal of Environmental Management 114: 178-189. DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2012.09.014
- Lemelin, H., Howell, S.E.L., Pearce, T., Stewart, E.J., Dawson, J., and Johnston, M.E. (2013). Local-Level Responses to Sea Ice Change and Cruise Tourism in Arctic Canada’s Northwest Passage. Polar Geography, 36(1-2): 142-162. DOI: 10.1080/1088937X.2012.705352
- Lemelin, R.H., and Dawson, J., Johnston, M.E., Stewart, E.J., Mattina, C. (2012). Resilience, appartenance et tourisme au Nunatsiavut. Etudes Inuits/Inuit Studies 36(2): 35-58. DOI: 10.7202/1015977ar
- Lemelin, R.H., Dawson, J., Johnston, M. and Stewart, E., and Mattina C. (2012). From Hunting and Fishing to Cultural Tourism and Ecotourism: Examining the Transitioning Tourism Industry in Nunavik. The Polar Journal, 2(1), 39-60. DOI: 10.1080/2154896X.2012.679559
- Dawson, J., and Scott, D. (2013). Managing for Climate Change in the Alpine Ski Sector. Tourism Management 35, 244-254. DOI:10.1016/j.tourman.2012.07.009
- Johnston, A., Johnston, M.E., Dawson, J., and Stewart, E.J. (2012). Challenges of Changes in Arctic Cruise Tourism: Perspectives of Federal Government Stakeholders. Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce 43(3), 335-347.
- Johnston, A., Johnston, M., Stewart, E.J., Lemelin, H. and Dawson, J. (2012). Perspectives of Decision Makers and Regulators on Climate Change and Adaptation in Expedition Cruise Ship Tourism in Nunavut. Northern Review 35: 69-95.
- Dawson, J., Johnston, M. E., Stewart, E.J., Lemieux, C.J, Lemelin, R.H., Maher, P.T. and Grimwood, B. (2011). Ethical considerations of last chance tourism. Journal of Ecotourism 10(3): 205-262. DOI:10.1080/14724049.2011.617449
- Stewart, E.J., Dawson, J., and Draper, D. (2011). Cruise Tourism and Residents in Arctic Canada: Development of a Resident Attitude Typology. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management18: 95-106. DOI:10.1375/jhtm.18.1.95
- Dawson, J., Scott D. and Havitz, M.E, (2011). Behavioral Adaptation of Alpine Skiers to Climate Change: Examining Activity Involvement and Place Loyalty. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing 28(4): 388-404. DOI: 10.1080/10548408.2011.571573.
- Stewart E.J., and Dawson, J. (2011). A matter of good fortune? The grounding of the “Clipper Adventurer” in the Northwest Passage, Arctic Canada. Arctic 64(2), 263-267. DOI:
- Dawson, J., and Scott, D. (2010) Systems analysis of climate change vulnerability for the US Northeast ski sector. Tourism, Development, Planning and Development 7(3), 219-235. DOI:10.1080/1479053X.2010.502383.
- Lemelin, H., Dawson, J., and Stewart, E.J., Maher, P.T. & Lueck, M. (2010) Last chance tourism: the doom, the gloom and the boom of visiting destinations. Current Issues in Tourism 13(5), 477-493. DOI: 10.1080/13683500903406367.
- Maher, P.T., Johnston, M.E., Dawson, J., and Noakes, J. (2010). Risk and changing environment in Antarctic Tourism. Current Issues in Tourism 14(4), 387-399. DOI:10.1080/13683500.2010.491896
- Dawson, J. and Scott, D. (2010). Climate change and tourism in the Great Lakes region: A summary of risks and opportunities. Tourism in Marine Environments 6(2-3): 119-132. DOI:
- Stewart, E.J. Tivy, A., Howell, S.E.L., Draper, D. and Dawson, J. (2010). Cruise tourism and sea ice in Canada’s Hudson Bay region. Arctic 63(1): 57-66. DOI:
- Dawson, J., Stewart, E.J., Lemelin, H. and Scott, D. (2010). The carbon cost of polar bear viewing in Churchill, Canada. Journal of Sustainable Tourism 18(3): 319-336. DOI:10.1080/09669580903215147
- Dawson, J., McBoyle, G. and Scott, D. (2009). Climate change analogue analysis of ski tourism in the northeastern USA. Climate Research 39(1): 1-9.
- Scott, D., Dawson, J., and Jones, B. (2008). Climate change vulnerability of the US Northeast winter recreation-tourism sector. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 13(5-6): 557-596.
- Dawson, J., and Scott, D. (2007). Climate change vulnerability in the Vermont ski tourism industry (USA). Annals of Leisure Research 10(3-4): 550-571. DOI: 10.1080/11745398.2007.9686781
- Dawson, J., Maher, P.T. and Slocombe, D. S. (2007). Climate change, marine tourism and sustainability in the Canadian Arctic: contributions from systems and complexity approaches. Tourism in Marine Environments 4(2-3): 69-83. DOI:
- Dawson, J. (2007). Environmental values and passion for nature. Outward Bound Canada Journal of Outdoor Education 11: 17-20.
- Dawson, J. (2006) Staff Interviews on Service – What’s Up? Outward Bound Canada Journal of Outdoor Education 10:16-18.
- Dawson, J. (2006). Historical Development of Community Service: An Old Fashioned Prescription for Modern Times. Outward Bound Canada Journal of Outdoor Education 10:6-8.
- Dawson, J. (2006). Program Evaluation: Leave the Accountants Out of It! Ontario Journal of Outdoor Education (Pathways) 18(3): 20-21.
- Dawson, J. (2005). A Little Warmth in the Arctic: Elder Observations of Climate Change. Ontario Journal of Outdoor Education (Pathways) 17(2): 13-17.
Ouvrages publiés

Contributions à cet ouvrage :
- Lemelin, R.H., Stewart, E.J. and Dawson, J., “An introduction to last chance tourism”, (Chap 1) p.3-9.
- Johnston, M.E., Viken, A. and Dawson, J., “First and lasts Arctic tourism: last chance tourism dialectic of change.”, (Chap 2) p.10-24.
- Steiger, R., Dawson, J., and Stotter, J., “Last tourism chance in alpine regions: last chance to ski?”, (Chap 4) p.42-54.
- Stewart, E. J., Dawson, J., and Lemelin, R.H., “The Transformation of Polar Bear Viewing in the Hudson Bay Region, Canada”, (Chap 7) p.89-102.
- Dawson, J., Stewart, E.J., and Lemelin, R.H., (Chap 15) p. 218-228.
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